Rabu, Juni 29, 2011

MUST READ: Konsekuensi Tidak Menjadi ONLY13 «



Aku percaya, banyak ELF telah melihat berbagai versi tentang ONLY13, sebagian dari kalian menyetujuinya, sebagiannya lagi tidak.
Banyak versi yang tersebar dikalangan K-ELF dan C-ELF, diantaranya tersebar dari tahun 2008 sampai 2009. Aku tidak setuju kalau banyak hal yang telah berubah di tahun itu. Bagaimanapun juga, konsep dari ONLY13 masih tetap ada. Sebenarnya, aku masih tetap memegang kuat akan hal itu, dan kita seharusnya menguatkan akan prinsip itu.
Tolong jangan marah dulu padaku,  perhatikan baik-baik apa yang akan aku ungkapkan.
Segi Emosional, kau pasti telah banyak mendengarnya. Karena aku adalah ELF yang lebih tua (dalam hal usia), Aku akan menunjukan hal ini dari aspek yang berbeda, bukan dengan memohon atau menangis, aku ingin menunjukan kenyataan pada semuanya.

Kenapa ONLY 13?

“ONLY 13 bukan berarti kita ANTI kepada 2 orang lainnya. Sebaliknya, jika kalian pernah datang dimanapun Super Show 3 diadakan, kalian akan menyadari, bahwa kami menyambut mereka dengan hangat, memberikan mereka semangat. Bagaimanapun juga, bagi kita, mereka akan tetap menjadi SJM, bukan SJ.
Semua orang tahu, saat Super Junior pertama kali dibentuk, mereka hanyalah sebuah project boyband beranggotakan 12 orang yang dibentuk untuk menguji tingkat penerimaan pasar. Setiap tahun, mereka diharuskan memiliki member baru yang  menggantikan member lama. Super Junior05 telah debut, dengan antisipasi setiap anggota akan diganti kapan saja.

Twins MV
TWINS sukses di tahun 2005, membuka jalan untuk Super Junior, boyband dengan member terbanyak, setiap orang memiliki kualitasnya masing-masing. ELF pun terbentuk. Kesuksesan Super Junior tidak diperkirakan oleh SME, kekuatan dan kesetiaan ELF membuat mereka ketakutan. Saat akan diadakan peluncuran U tahun 2006, promosi Super Junior kali ini pun akan membuat mereka yang merupakan pendatang baru naik ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi, tapi hal ini menimbulkan bentrokan pertama antara ELF dan SME. Saat SME memutuskan untuk menambahkan satu member, ELF menolaknya dengan keras, karena mereka berpikir dengan datangnya member baru berarti akan ada member yang digantikan, yang harus pergi. Untungnya, dengan adanya janji dari SME, dan upaya dari member baru, ELF akhirnya menerima ke 13 member Super Junior, dan Super Junior 05 secara sah menghilangkan tambahan ’05 nya, kemudian menjadi Super Junior. Kita, ELFs, sekarang memiliki magnae yang kita cintai, Cho Kyuhyun.

Aku percaya semua orang pasti tahu kalau Kyuhyun melewati saat-saat yang sulit saat pertama kali bergabung. Suatu hari saat ia mabuk dan menceritakannya kepada Ryeowook dengan bercucuran air mata “Teuk hyung tidak menyukaiku. Dia membuatku menderita..” Sekarang kalian bisa melihat kalau sang magnae begitu dimanjakan oleh hyung-hyungnya, sebenarnya dia banyak kesulitan di 6 bulan pertama sebelum semua hyung nya bisa menerima keberadaannya. Itulah kenapa Eunhyuk berkata “Yang lain tolong jangan datang ke sini, Teuk hyung tidak menyukainya”

2007 adalah tahun yang paling memilukan bagi Super Junior dan ELFs, sebuah kecelakaan serius (hampir fatal) terjadi, SJ dipaksa untuk menghentikan semua pekerjaan dan proyeknya. Aku percaya ELFs telah jelas tentang ini, jadi aku tidak perlu menjelaskannya.

2008, album ke 2 (2jib) diperingati sebagai comebacknya Kyuhyun, tetapi juga memicu bentrokan. Dalam Don’t Don MV, wajah baru terlihat, seorang pemuda bermain biola, yang diberi solo yang cukup panjang. ELFs terus memperhatikan hal ini, dan diduga SME akan melakukan beberapa trik lagi untuk menambahakan member baru. Kami pun memulai gerakan: ONLY13.

Jadi, K-ELFs melakukan protes secara diam-diam, mereka mengumpulkan dana untuk membeli 1 saham perusahaan SME, yang menyatakan ELF kini menjadi pemegang saham yang bisa ikut memilih pada setiap topik yang akan mempengaruhi perusahaan.
Dan C-ELFs juga membuat proyek mengumpulkan 10 ribu tanda tangan.

Tindakan ini mungkin tampak konyol, tapi telah berhasil memaksa perusahaan untuk menyatakan: tidak ada anggota baru yang akan ditambahkan, tidak ada perubahan lineup anggota saat ini.“wajah baru” ini, akan dimasukkan dalam SJM, sub group yang ditargetkan pada pasar Cina. Akibatnya, hal ini menjadi yang pertama dalam sejarah kpop, anggota tambahan yang tidak termasuk dalam kelompok inti, sekarang ditambahkan dalam sub group.

Sekarang, semua orang pasti bertanya-tanya kenapa kita bersikeras dengan 13? Mengapa kita tidak membiarkan keduanya ikut bergabung?

ELF tidak akan bisa memprediksi hasil akhir yang akan terjadi bila kita melakukan protes. Tapi ELF pasti tahu hasil akhir itu jika kita tidak melakukan protes.

Beberapa tahun ini aku bahkan merasa lebih kuat. Jika kita tidak melakukan protes saat itu, maka kita akan tahu bagaimana akhir yang terjadi pada SJ.

Mari kita percepat perjalanan mereka: 2009, keadaan dorm sempat memanas dikarenakan mereka diharuskan dipisahkan di 2 dorm yang berbeda, para fans pun terbagi menjadi 2. 2010, leader dari salah satu boyband yang menjanjikan, dikarenakan munculnya skandal ekstrim yang berasal dari blog yang dibuatnya sebelum debut, dia meninggalkan grupnya dan manajemennya (terpaksa?/sukarela?). 2011, sebuah boyband baru telah mengganti 2 dari 7 membernya secara mengejutkan.

Jika, karena kepergian salah satu member (dalam kasus kita, Hangeng) perusahaan diperbolehkan untuk menggantinya, ini juga berarti perusahaan akan diperbolehkan mengganti siapapun dengan sekehendaknya. Kita tidak bisa melawan balik : “Kalian bisa mengganti Hangeng tapi tidak yang lainnya”, karena kita telah kehilangan hak kita sebelumnya (secara hukum, jika hal ini terjadi lagi, semua kasus biasanya akan diselesaikan seperti kasus yang telah terjadi sebelumnya). Jika kepergian member dijadikan jalan penyelesaian yang sah, maka perusahaan bisa melakukannya dengan paksaan, sukarela atau pun tidak.

ELFs, coba pikirkan, kalau bukan karena fakta bahwa ELFs sangat kuat dan keras kepala akan percaya ONLY13, aku bisa memprediksikan hasil yang mungkin terjadi:

1) Member pertama yang akan diganti adalah Angel Teuk dan Flower Heechul kita.


a. Umur mereka, mereka terlalu tua untuk ukuran  idol boyband.

b. Popularitas Teukie dan Heenim, dilihat dari suksesnya solo karir mereka, dengan mereka keluar, bisa memungkinkan member yang baru ikut naik daun dengan nama SJ bersamaan membangun dasar mereka

c. Fan Base kedua 83liners sangat besar, mengeluarkan mereka akan membagi kekuatan ELF.

2) Kembalinya Kangin tidak bisa diprediksi.


a. Kangin berkemauan keras, keras kepala dan pemberani, sehingga dia memiliki beberapa kasus hukum. Dilihat dari aspek perusahaan, dia adalah anak bermasalah (jika memang dia masih dianggap anak). Jika mereka tidak takut akan kekuatan ELF, untuk protes lainnya, aku takut akan nasib Kangin selanjutnya, dia tidak hanya dikirimkan untuk wamil, ini mungkin akan menjadi akhir baginya. Bahkan sampai sekarang, ELFs selalu memperhatikan Kangin saat dia wamil, selain merasa kehilangan, kita juga harus memastikan pada perusahaan bahwa Kangin tidak hilang dari memori para ELFs selama 2 tahun ini. Setelah kembalinya Kangin dari wamil. Konflik antara perusahaan dan ELF akan dimulai, dan nasibnya akan tergantung pada siapa yang jadi pemenang.

3) Masa depan Shindong tidak jelas.


a. Mari kita hadapi, Shindong, telah bertahan dalam sebuah idol group selama 5 tahun, ini adalah suatu hal yang langka. Dia bisa menjadi komedian terkenal, bahkan seorang penyiar, tapi jika perusahaan memiliki kekuasaan yang absolute dalam memutuskan, apa yang kalian pikirkan, apakah mungkin dia akan terus berada dalam grup?

4) KRY akan melakukan single debut nya sesegera mungkin.


a. Hal ini sangat jelas, KRY merupakan vokal terbaik didalam grup, memisahkan mereka pertama kali akan memudahkan perusahaan untuk mengarahkan keahlian mereka, membiarkan mereka fokus di Jepang dan Cina yang merupakan pasaran yang strategis.

5). Kembalinya Kibum mungkin akan mustahil.


Kibum selalu menginginkan fokus dalam karir aktingnya, tapi, dia tidak pernah memiliki alasan untuk ikut partisipasi dengan aktivitas SJ. Jika perusahaan bisa dengan mudah membawakan member yang baru, maka Kibum tidak akan memiliki kekhawatiran.


Setelah semua ini, Super Junior kita akan berubah drastis. Selama bertahun-tahun, berapa banyak member asli yang akan tetap utuh?? Apakah ini hasil yang kita inginkan? Para fans akan meninggalkan biasnya, dipisahkan & terbagi. Super Junior tidak akan lagi menjadi Super Band, ELF tidak akan lagi menjadi pendukung yang kuat.

Sejak saat itu, Super Junior tidak lagi akan menjadi memori berharga. ELF, yang seharusnya menjadi Malaikat Pelindungnya, akan menghilang dengang kepergian para member aslinya.

Ini mungkin menjadi alasan kenapa oppa kita lebih memilih: tidak bisa menyanyi lebih dari 10 detik disetiap lagu, tidak memungkinkan berbicara banyak disetiap wawancara, harus berhimpitan karena panggung yang penuh (beberapa harus berhadapan dengan tembok & berhenti menari), melupakan keuntungan yang lebih, lebih memutuskan untuk bersama, memperpanjang kontrak. Meskipun tidak bisa berkumpul ber 13 untuk sekarang, meski pun beberapa orang telah terdaftar wamil, melanjutkan solo sementara, hiatus dan belum kembali, tapi, selama mereka masih ada disini, Super Junior tetaplah Super Junior. Bagaimanapun juga, Super Junior tanpa member yang sesungguhnya, tidak akan lagi menjadi Super Junior…

Chingudeul, kalian dapat meragukan analisaku, mungkin hasilnya tidak akan seperti apa yang aku pikirkan, tapi dari hati ke hati, apakah kita bisa menjalani hasil yang seperti itu??

 Mari kutekankan lagi, ONLY 13, tidak mengecualikan keduanya, kami tidak akan pernah melakukannya. Kami mencintainya dan kami pun akan melindungi mereka. Dan jika suatu saat nanti terjadi konflik, jika kita harus memilih, pilihan kita sudah jelas, yaitu member inti dari Super Junior. SUPER JUNIOR, dari Leeteuk sampai Kyuhyun tanpa ada satupun yang hilang.


If fans are not strong enough, they won’t be able to secure their idols.
You have the right to love many people, but I protect the original SJ only.



Author: Jeslyn Ho
Translated by Snow Girl (www.shinningsuju.wordpress.com)
Credit post: superjuniorgirls@wordpress.com


Selasa, Juni 28, 2011

MUST READ: The consequences of not being ONLY13 «

Why must Super Junior be ONLY13?

I believe, many ELFs have seen different versions of ONLY13, some of you agree, some of you don’t.

Many versions done by Chinese and Korean ELFs, started circulating between 2008 to 2009. I do not disagree, that many things have changed over the years. However, the concept of ONLY13, still stands. In fact, I strongly stand by the notion that, we should uphold it even more.

Please do not discredit me first. Hear me out.

Emotional versions, you have heard many. Since I am an older ELF (in terms of age), I would like to address this from a different aspect, no cries & plead, I want to point out the reality to all.

Why ONLY 13?

“ONLY 13” Does not mean we ANTI the other two. On the contrary, if you have been to any Super Show 3, you will notice, that we gave them as warm a welcome, as much support. However, to us, they will always be SJM, not SJ.

Everybody knows, when Super Junior was first formed, it was a pilot project, a 12 person boyband, to test the market’s acceptance level. Every year, there were supposed to have new members replacing old ones. Super Junior05 was debuted, with the anticipation of members being replaced anytime.

TWINS success in 2005, paved the road for Super Junior, a massive boyband, each has his own quality. ELF was formed. The success of Super Junior, was unexpected by the company, and ELF’s loyalty and power, also frightened them. The launch of U in 2006, promoted Super Junior from newbies to a much higher tier, but also created the first clash between ELF and the company. When the company decided to add one more member, ELF objected violently, because they were worried that with the incoming of this new member, it means someone existing, will need to leave. Fortunately, with the company’s words, and the new member’s efforts, ELF finally accepted a 13 member Super Junior, and Super Junior 05 officially dropped it’s 05, and became Super Junior. We, ELFs, now have our beloved maknae, Cho Kyuhyun.

I believe everyone must have heard that Kyuhyun really had a hard time when he first came. One day, he got drunk and complained to Ryeowook tearfully “Teuk hyeong doesn’t like me. He makes me suffer..” Now you can see this magnae is being spoiled by his pampered hyeongs, actually he beared hardship for 6 months before being accepted by his hyeongs. That’s why Eunhyuk said “The others please don’t come here, Teuk hyeong doesn’t like it.”

2007 is the most heart wrenching year for Super Junior and ELFs, a serious (almost fatal) accident, forced SJ to cease all work and projects. I believe ELFs are very clear about this, I do not need to elaborate.

2008, 2th album (2jib) celebrated Kyuhyun’s comeback, but it also ignited the 2nd clash. In Don’t Don’s mv, a new face was seen, a young man playing violin, and given a long solo. The attentive ELFs, suspected the company is up to some tricks again, started the movement: ONLY13. So, K ELFs did a silent protest, raised some cash to buy 1 share of the company, symbolizing ELFs, now becoming a shareholder, can vote in the AGM on any topics that will affect the company. And C ELFs also had a signature event with 10 thousand people. This seemingly ridiculous act, had successfully forced the company to declare: no new member will be added, no change of current member lineup. This “new face”, will only be included in SJM, a sub group that is targeting on China market. As a result, a first in history of kpop, additional members that do not belong to the core group, are now added in the sub group.

Don’t look down at us ELF!

Now, everyone will be asking, why do we insist on 13? Why don’t we just let the other two join?

ELFs then may not be able to predict what will the outcome be, for protesting. But, ELFs do know, what the outcome can be, if ELFs do not protest. These few years, I can feel even stronger, if not for the protest then, what will be the ending for SJ.

Lets fast forward to the present time:

2009, the highly acclaimed house of red, split into 2 due to contractual dispute, it’s fans were also divided. 2010, the leader from another promising boyband, due to the surfacing of his past extreme remarks posted in his blogs prior to debuting, left the group and the company (forced?/volunteered?). 2011, a young boyband had 2 of its 7 members shockingly replaced.

If, due to the departure of one member (take our case, Hangeng), the company is allowed to replace him, this will also means that the company can replace any member at its own whim and fancy. We can’t fight back: “you can only replace Hangeng, but not the rest”, as we have lost the first right (legally, if a precedent is set, all subsequent cases will usually follow what was done before). If departure is the “lawful” way, then the company can always force a departure, willingly, or not.

ELFs, think about it, If not for the fact that ELFs have been very forceful and stubborn about ONLY13 belief, l can literately count the possible results:
1) The first to be replaced will be our Angel Teuk and Flower Heechul.


a. Their age, is way over the average age of a idol boyband

b. Teukie and Heenim’s popularity, ensures their solo career, taking them out, can allow new members to ride on the famous brand name SJ, while building their foundation

c. the Fanbase of both 83liners are very big, separating them, will divide the power of ELFs

2) Kangin’s return will be unpredictable.


a. Kangin is strong headed, stubborn, brave, resulting in him having several brushes with law recently. From the company’s aspect, he is a problem child (if he is still considered a child). If not for fear of ELF’s power, for another protest, I am afraid, Kangin’s current fate, will not just be sent to army, it will be a total strike off. Even till now, ELFs have been closely watching Kangin while he is in the army, other than simply missing him, we are also ensuring the company do not assume that, they can wipe off Kangin from ELF’s memory, in the span of two years. Whether a return after he is dismissed from army, is secured, will depend largely on who will emerge as the winner, from this tug of war between ELF and the company.

3) Shindong’s future unknown.


a. Lets face it, Shindong, having been surviving in a idol group for as long as 5 years, is a rare sight. He can be a great comedian, a compare, even a broadcaster, but if the company had absolute power to decide, what do you think, is the possibility of him staying in the group?

4) KRY will be singled out immediately.


a. This is straight forward, KRY has the best vocal in the group, splitting them out first, will enable the company to redirect their resources, allowing them to focus on Japan and China market, markets that value ballards

5) Kibum’s return will be impossible.


a. Kibum had always wanted to focus on his acting career, but, he has never object to participate SJ activities in –between. If the company can bring in new members easily, Kibum will have no worries.

After all these, our Super Junior, will be changed beyond recognition. Over the years, how many of the original members will still be intact? Is this the result we wanted? Fans will leave with their bias, separated & divided. Super Junior, will no longer be the Super Band, ELFs, will no longer be the strong backing.

From then on, Super Junior will no longer raise any emotional memories, ELF, the supposedly Patron Saint, will disappear, with the departure of the original members.
This, may be the reason why, our men, despite: not having to sing more than 10 seconds in each song, not being able to speak in most interviews, having to squeeze into overcrowding stages (to the extent that some have to face the wall & stop dancing), forgoing more financial gains, still decide to stick together, extended the contract. Even if we can’t gather all 13 now, even though those who are enlisted, went on solo temporarily, in hiatus, have yet to return, but, as long as they are still here, Super Junior, is still our Super Junior. However, a Super Junior without the original members, will no longer be Super Junior…

Chinggu, you can doubt my analysis, maybe things will not go the direction I thought, but, heart to heart, can we afford the possibility of such an outcome?

Let me stress again, ONLY13, does not exclude the other two, we never will. We will love them, protect them as well. However, should there be any conflict, if we need to choose, our only choice, is very clear, is the original 13 men from Super Junior core group. Super Junior, from Leeteuk to Kyuhyun, not a single missing.

If fans are not strong enough, they won’t be able to secure their idols.

You have the right to love many people, but I protect the original SJ only.

Author: Jeslyn Ho

My two cents:
This is what I am saying and I am immensely thankful to the great author for coming up with this. :)

To me, there are two kinds of ONLY13 ELFs in this world, those who know what they are doing and those who have no idea what they are there for.

First and foremost, I was never a part of the ONLY13 group and I have to admit that I had my fair share of hating them but when I knew of their reason for doing so, I knew I was wrong.

ELFs, I tell you. We did a great choice of sticking in this fandom.
ONLY13 people who continuously bash Henry and Zhoumi, stop it. You are doing it wrong.

Credit to: Cheonsa23@wordpress.com


Kamis, Juni 09, 2011

June 9th is HanChul Day

The reason why 9th June is GengChul Day Hanchul really went to Everland
That place rocks, too bad they didn't get to go on any rides.
Heechul's Cyworld Entry 2008.06.09 22:31 10 years... >> “It's been 10 years since I last went to Everland Hankyung and I were so excited... we were almost like kids going on a spring vacation. We tossed and turned the whole night, and slept for only 2 hours before we left. We had to face the questions of  "Is it possible? Is it better if we went together? But the company..." "Nono~ If we don't put on make-up, no one will recognize us ㅋㅋ” and say it with a heavy nasal accent, and coming out of the dorm with this expression on our faces ^-^* We were really happy on the way to Yong-in, and started our chat which we haven't had in a long time ㅋㅋ Hankyung I really want to go (Imitating Hankyung's accent) I really want to go (In proper language*) Me (Heechul) :ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Our mood today's really very good ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Hankyung: But what if there are a lot of people there today? (Imitating Hankyung's accent) But what if there are a lot of people there today? (In proper language) Me (Heechul): Because today is Monday, there'll be no one~ Very good (- _ - )=b Let's go playㅋㅋ We finally reached And we happily bought our tickets and went in ^-^ WaGOOD Because there were too many middle/high school students there to welcome the spring vacation (?).. We didnt get to play at all and went home.. A sad fairytale (_) I.. said that I want people to know that I have been to Everland So I bought a pink whale.. Pink Whale No. 1 Hankyung said that we should re-use the wrist band and go back to the themepark tomorrow.. You can see it from the photo above Both our expressions were not very happy (-) *:

I think it's Hankyung's mispronunciations of 'g' and 'k' as from what I saw in Hangul... Translated by me & autumn_love89, please credit if taking out! credits; luvhee Sigh, the Hanchul date was ruined T___T

Credit to hichoru_@twitter.com

Kamis, Juni 02, 2011

ELFQuotes #HappyELFday

1.   “Whats so gr8 about being an ELF?” “Well, we get to love and BE loved in return by 15 boys. What more can you ask for?” #HappyELFDay
2.   Always hold your sapphire blue balloons high and be proud of being an ELF. URI NEUN ELF-YEYO!! #HappyELFDay
3.   The greatest thing that happened to me in my fandom life is being an ELF. and I never onced look back. #HappyELFDay
4.   being an ELF is my choice and I am happy to become an ELF #happyELFday (via: @feLiciouzz)
5.   SJ, always remember that you have thousands of shoulders to lean on whenever u r sad. #HappyELFDay
6.   5 years ago, we didnt know whether Super Junior will make it out there. But we loved them nonetheless. Be Proud To Be An ELF! #HappyELFDay!
7.   ELFs, thank u for being Super Junior’s special guardian angels for 5 years now. Keep it up! #happyELFday
8.   This day marks our everlasting love for Super Junior… #HappyELFDay
9.   ELFs, always remember what Siwon said: U don’t have to be an ELF from the begining, all u have 2 be is an ELF till the end. ^^ #happyELFday
10. For all ELFs around the world, thanks for being an ELF #happyELFday
11.  i didn’t believe in the existence of an ELF until Super Junior happens #happyELFday (via: @sukira)
12. Though not an ELF from the beginning…but we will be to the end!~* #happyELFday (via: @MilkySapphire)
13. we don’t know each other but thanks to Super Junior now we have the generic name is Ever Lasting Friends – ELF #happyELFday (via: @babo_gred)
14. When i found my self walking on street alone, i dont feel lonely, i feel thousands ELF walking together w/ me.. #happyELFday
15. Since i knew Super Junior,all things related to them and ELF became a part of my life #happyELFday (via: @KimNecy)
16. ELF will always be in Super Junior’s heart, and Super Junior will always be in ELF’s heart #happyELFday (via: @KyungMi_Geng)
17. I prom15e to 13elieve. Promise to 10ve the remaining 10, protect the missing 3 #happyELFday (via: @KyungMi_Geng)
18. ELF will wait for Hangeng, Kangin, Kibum. No matter how long it takes #happyELFday (via: @KyungMi_Geng)
19. The tears and laughter brought to us by them, they are priceless. #happyELFday (via: @lovesnumber13)
20.            I’m the richest girl of the space, i have 15 brightest stars around me. Why? Because I’m an ELF. #happyELFday
21. Everyday is a joyful day, and my life is never flat.. Why? Because I’m an ELF.. #happyELFday
22.            I’m a strong heart girl and never lacking of love, Why? Because I’m an ELF.. #happyELFday
23.            ELF doesn’t only stands for EverLasting Friends it also means EVER LOVING FANS! #happyELFday (via: @sukira)
24.            ELF, the name i engraved in my heart, and live my soul for it.. #happyELFday
25.            I’ve shed so much tears 4 being an ELF but I regret nothing,ppl said loving someone, there’s tears not only smiles #happyELFday (via: @_NiKkIo28)
26.            Since i’ve been an ELF, I automatically have 2 birthday, first is the day i was born and second is June2nd ^^ #happyELFday
27.            being an ELF isn’t a decision, or a destiny. It’s your choose, your want, and just live it! #happyELFday (via: @Vira_viraa)
28.            I don’t care what people said, I will always proud to be ELF #happyELFday (via: @KyungMi_Geng)
29.            girls! I feel like if it was a birthday… Well it is actually our birthday! We are 5 years old happier” #happyELFday (via: @sapphiremexico)
30.            one taste,one harmony,one heart,and 13+2 boys..that’s what united us, sincerely ELF #happyELFday (via: @haiicha)
31. My friends even my parents doesn’t support me. But I don’t care. I can say it out loud I AM ELF n I’m proud of it #happyELFday (via: @nyakalista)
32.            We are not just Friends, but EVERLASTING-Friends, So..u know whats the meaning, rite? #happyELFday
33.            I didn’t choose to love you! I was destined to be an ELF. #happyELFday (via: @_NiKkIo28)
34.            Honestly I never intend to declare myself as an ELF~It just came out by heart and I can’t deny it. #happyELFday (via: @mafismail)
35.            When you declare yourself as an ‘ELF’ watch out many happiness will following you #happyELFday (via: @haiicha)
36.            I tried my best to hold my desire to shout “HEY,I’M ELF” everytime i hear people talking about SJ.. #happyELFday
37.            I will scream ur name from the top of lungs until u hear it.. #happyELFday
38.            EverLastingFriends = a simple word but has a a very deep meaning, without ELF suju just a nothing,as well ELF. #happyELFday (via: @freakyfangirl)
39.            Being an ELF is the best decision i’ve ever done, and i never regreted it.. #happyELFday
40.            I was not born as an ELF, but i live for it.. #happyELFday
41. Sapphire Blue is the most beautiful color in the world,bcoz it means Big Family on it.. #happyELFday (via: @syl_evel)
42.            In the next life there will still be a Super Junior, I will still choose to be an ELF. #happyELFday (via: @fnadaiaIf)
43.            Never under estimate us! Because we’re almighty ELF #HappyELFday :)(via: @jewelgirl0694)
44.            Dear haters, just fessed up that you’re an ELF, don’t be shy. #HappyELFday (via: @nandasatriyo)
45.            #HappyELFday? oh, we’re happy alright. haters gone hate, lovers keep coming, and SJ oppas makes us even stronger (via: @isfarinanchovy)
46.            ELF is strongest fandom in the world!even power rangers can’t protect world like us when Antis attack our SJ! #HappyELFday xD (via: @mochirantyELF)
47.            We intertwine our hands together, make a wall to block all people against SJ.. #HappyELFday
48.            #happyELFday means we made it together, without major problems. we stick together for our boys.. (via: @isfarinanchovy)
49.            I’m ELF, i’m proud to be ELF, and i will always be.. #HappyELFday
50.            Dear Haters, don’t try to bash our boys or else you’ll feel the wrath of ELFs. #HappyELFday (via: @fnadaia)
51. We are fairies, bleed blue, and always beside our Angels.. SJELF #HappyELFday
52.            Take a note for our slogan bfor u want take us down “If the world betrays SJ, ELF will betray the world” #HappyELFday
53.            Dont ever look down for us or underestimate ELF’s power, u surely regret if u did it.. #HappyELFday
54.            ELFs, who are having different thought will immediately shout in unison “SARANGHAE SYUPOJUNIO” when SJ comes out.. #HappyELFday
55.            Half of my brain is filled with Super Junior and the other half is of course my ELF family!! #HappyELFday (via: @nandasatriyo)
56.            One thought, One mind, One heart, and One love: E.L.F #HappyELFday
57.            ELF, the one who would always love and protect Super Junior, forever.. #HappyELFday
58.            Being an ELF means I could be with Super Junior for the rest of my life.. #HappyELFday (via: @nandasatriyo)
59.            Different heads with One heart.. #HappyELFday
60.            ELF, the one i smile along with and cry our tears together.. #HappyELFday
61. “Who are you” *smiling* “I’m an ELF” #HappyELFday
62.            Being an ELF doesn’t need any test
It doesn’t need any requirements
You just got to feel all the love and pain
And by that day comes…YOU are the one who will shout to the world… #HappyELFday (via: @SilvEr_Anchovy)
63.            When u found me typing my phone with a smile curved on my lips, u can easily say that i’m talking with my ELFs #HappyELFday
64.            I put ELF on the top list of people i love the most right after Super Junior #HappyELFday
65.            E.L.F maybe is not the nicest fandom name, but surely the most meaningful one.. #HappyELFday
66.            Thanks Super Junior for making the name of ELF exists.. #HappyELFday

Credit to ELFquotes.wordpress.com